Archive for September 2016

Oh, What a Night!

What a night!  I looked out the window and thought, surely no one is going to come out in this?  I was going to cancel due to, 'inclement weather' but then decided to live up to the motto of the Windmill, mainly, 'We never close' (though admittedly we have far fewer undressed ladies than the Windmill) So I literally waded through the streets to Willesden Green - and guess how many people turned up - nine.  Oh yes, wgwg'ers are made of stern stuff, and not only that, there were four newbies amongst us.

We had a new story from Clare which we must hear more of, such beautiful descriptions, particularly of a garden in Autumn, and a woman who obviously has issues with her father, I wonder where Clare is going to take us with this story?  Victoria gave us the beginning of her new version of an old murder based on the notorious Red Barn Murders which took place in the early 1900's, I certainly hope we get to hear more of this one as well.  Alistair's creepy alien continues to astonish, not only is he eating with his spoon and proceeding to eat the said spoon, he now sort of deconstructs his body as well (you had to be there) I have no idea where he is going with this piece but I am really enjoying the ride.  Lily's new piece left us stunned into silence - it's a beautifully written piece with so many levels to it and it's so different to her other writing, she is full of surprises.  I don't know when we will get to hear the rest of it as Lily is off on her travels, but it will be worth the wait.

So, as you can see, despite the weather, we had a really good session and those who weren't still soaked to the skin went off to the pub ( jealous moi?) So what happened in the pub must remain in the pub - I went home to a warm bath...

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Nice to see you, to see you nice!

So off we go again, the first wgwg for a while, it's nice to be back.

So, Marsha has lots of things to think about. For instance, is her protagonist running an up market classy sort of,  'Gentleman's Executive Relief Service' or is she running a scuzzy massage parlour? How much does she charge for her services and how is it collected?  Who is stealing the money, and how?  So many things to think about, it's not easy writing these short stories you know, but we did have a very interesting discussion about various types of massage parlours and the services they offer.

And Judith's protagonist is still in an alcohol infused state - or is he?  Is it all a dream, an alternative universe or is it the gospel truth as Dolgo sees it, or a mixture of all three?  I don't know as yet, but it's a blast finding out. what a fabulous piece of writing.

See you on the 15th...

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