No reads, no fees and oh, party

So this week, Anne and Naa sat about plotting. This is what we get up to when no one turns up. Someone did turn up, after having been searching for us for ages it seems. He was over the moon to have actually come across us on the correct day and the correct time but alas had nothing to read. The next actual group will be January 5th, 6pm, Willesden Green library.

In the new year we've decided to put a pause on collecting attendance fees. In the past, attendance fees have gone towards printing anthologies and we've built up some money in the last little while. . So as we work back towards a healthy attendance and a substantial amount of short stories ready for print, we'll stop charging until we've figured out exactly what we're gonna spend it on. So if the cost of attendance put you off before, worry no more and come along.

As I said before, our next actual group is January 5th but on the 15th of December we're gonna treat you wonderful people to a drink (with some of that money built up) to celebrate all the great writing you've written and we've experienced through the year.

So join us for some Christmas cheer....

15th December
The Beaten Docket
Crciklewood Broadway

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